Sustainable Development and ESG
The scope of sustainable development is broader than ESG. It is a blueprint for achieving global development and involves resource balance within and between generations. The United Nations has published 17 Sustainable Development Goals to encourage activities.
Both sustainable development and ESG involve environmental and social aspects, but ESG has been directly related to enterprises and is a standard for measuring financial, environmental and social performance. Sustainable development favors all global stakeholders.
Sustainable Disclosures
Sustainable disclosure is a core concern for global regulators in ESG development. Currently, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 issued by the International Sustainable Development Standards Committee have become the basis for designating sustainable information disclosure policies in multiple jurisdictions worldwide.
Sustainable disclosure is primarily based on climate change, as climate change is a material issue in environmental factors. Subsequent regulators will formulate policies for areas such as biodiversity, water and supply chain.

ISSB Releases Climate Disclosure Education Materials
International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) releases climate disclosure education materials

EU Platform on Sustainable Finance Proposes Simplifying EU Taxonomy
EU Platform on Sustainable Finance releases a report on the EU Taxonomy for simplifying EU Taxonomy

UK Financial Reporting Council Releases Report on Sustainability Assurance Market
UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) releases a report on the sustainability assurance market

Hong Kong Green Finance Association Releases Report on Hong Kong Green Technology
Hong Kong Green Finance Association (HKGFA) releases report on Hong Kong Green Technology

EU Sustainable Finance Platform Releases Report on Corporate Transition Plan Evaluation
EU Platform on Sustainable Finance releases a report on corporate transition plan evaluation

EFRAG Releases Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standards for Non-listed SMEs
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) releases voluntary sustainability reporting standards for SMEs

Morningstar Releases 2024 US Sustainable Fund Report
Morningstar releases 2024 US Sustainable Fund Report, aimed at analyzing the development of the US sustainable fund market

Climate Bond Initiative Releases 2025 Sustainable Bond Market Outlook
Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) releases its 2025 Sustainable Bond Market Outlook