With the development of ESG securities and ESG bonds, ESG indices have gradually become a necessary financial product in the market. Although active management is still the main method in ESG investment, the growth of the passive market means that ESG index will play an essential role in asset allocation.
In addition to index companies and exchanges, some research institutions also launches different types of ESG indices.
ESG Indices Classification
The categories of ESG indices are similar to ESG investment methods, and methods such as negative screening, positive screening, and thematic investment can all be used for index construction.
Exchanges and index companies are the main groups providing ESG indices, which may be used for passive asset allocation in the future and become financial products.

Shanghai Stock Exchange Includes ESG Ratings in SSE 180 Index
SSE releases a new version of the compilation plan for the SSE 180 Index, which includes ESG ratings in the selection method

Bloomberg Launches Government Climate Tilted Bond Indices
Bloomberg launches the Government Climate Tilted Bond Indices, aiming to provide new benchmarks for the low-carbon transition

Morningstar Launches Low Carbon Transition Leaders Indexes
Morningstar launches the Low Carbon Transition Leaders Indexes to help investors allocate funds to companies leading transition

S&P Launches Two Biodiversity Indices
S&P Dow Jones Indices launches two biodiversity indices

Hang Seng Indexes Company Launches Four ESG Indices
Hang Seng Indexes Company launches four ESG indices to provide the market with more sustainable investment options

S&P Launches SDG Indices Related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
S&P Dow Jones Indices launched two SDG indices related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Morningstar Launches First Structured Product Impact Index
Morningstar and Sustainalytics announced the launch of the world’s first structured product impact index

Euronext Launches World’s First Biodiversity Enablers Index
Euronext has released the world’s first Biodiversity Enablers Index (BEI), which aims to measure the positive impact of investees on biodiversity