The UK ESG policy is mainly developed by the Financial Conduct Authority. The ESG Advisory Committee under the FCA participates in the formulation of ESG information disclosure, ESG data products regulations and ESG strategic planning.
UK ESG development is consistent with international standards and the climate information disclosure standards will be established based on IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. The UK also has a long history in investor stewardship.

UK Financial Conduct Authority Releases Climate Adaptation Report in Financial Industry
UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) releases a report on climate adaptation in financial industry

UK Financial Reporting Council Releases Report on Sustainability Assurance Market
UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) releases a report on the sustainability assurance market

UK Develops Regulatory Regime for ESG Ratings Providers
HM Treasury develops a draft regulation for ESG ratings providers, aimed at incorporating ESG ratings into regulations

UK FCA Releases Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and Investment Label Disclosure Examples
Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and Investment Label The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) releases Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment label disclosure examples, aiming to provide asset

UK Releases Consultation on Green Taxonomy
The HM Treasury releases a consultation on UK green taxonomy, aimed at soliciting market participants’ opinions on green taxonomy

UK FCA Sets Out Temporary Measures for Sustainability Disclosure Requirements
UK Financial Conduct Authority sets out temporary measures for Sustainability Disclosure Requirements

HM Treasury and Monetary Authority of Singapore Announce Collaboration in Sustainable Finance
HM Treasury and the Monetary Authority of Singapore announces collaboration in sustainable finance

UK Financial Conduct Authority Releases Guidance on Anti-Greenwashing Rule
The UK Financial Conduct Authority releases guidance on anti-greenwashing rules