China ESG Overview
China has formulated a 2030 carbon peak and 2060 carbon neutrality plan, and its investment in clean energy such as photovoltaics and wind power and the scale of financial instruments such as green bonds are at the forefront of the world.
China’s ESG development has attracted the attention of many international institutions. The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change has set up a China working group, and the ISSB has opened an office in Beijing.
China is also cooperating with other jurisdictions on ESG policies. The Monetary Authority of Singapore and the People’s Bank of China have jointly established a green finance working group, and the European Union is also developing a common taxonomy with China.
China ESG Regulation
China’s ESG regulatory policies take into account both domestic ESG development and international sustainable development standards. The Ministry of Finance has released a draft of the Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Guidelines for soliciting opinions, and plans to establish mandatory disclosure requirements in stages over the next few years.
In addition to the People’s Bank of China and the Ministry of Finance, both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange have released draft opinions on the preparation of sustainable development reports, providing practical guidance for listed companies to write sustainable reports.

Hang Seng Indexes Company Releases China Central SOEs ESG Leaders Index
Hang Seng Indexes Company announced the launch of the Hang Seng SCHK China Central SOEs ESG Leaders Index

Fidelity Releases ESG Development Report for Chinese Listed Companies
Fidelity has released an ESG development report for Chinese listed companies, investigating 262 executives to understand ESG priorities and the actions taken

AIGCC Establish China Working Group
The Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) has added a China working group to meet the investment needs of the Chinese market for investors and promote ESG development in China

PBoC and MAS Set Up the Green Finance Taskforce
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) announced the establishment of a green finance working group, which aims to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in green finance and promote Asia’s transition to a low-carbon economy

CDP Releases China Enterprise Climate Information Disclosure Report
Report on Climate Information Disclosure by Chinese Enterprises The International Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has released a report on climate information disclosure by Chinese enterprises,

CDP Releases Net-Zero Report for China Listed Companies
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) releases the net-zero report of listed companies in China. CDP analyzes the development of 70 companies listed in China and Hong Kong through questionnaires and interviews, and proposes the difficulties and solutions in net-zero transition

ICMA Releases White Paper on China ESG Practices
The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and China Central Depository and Clearing (CCDC) jointly release a white paper on China ESG practice, summarizing the current development of China’s ESG from three perspectives: regulation policy, ESG practices by enterprises and ESG practices in financial markets

IMA Releases China Companies ESG Disclosure Report
The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) released the ESG disclosure report of listed companies in China, taking 140 companies listed in the mainland China market and Hong Kong market as samples, to study their ESG information disclosure and climate related disclosure based on the TCFD framework