WWF Releases Nature-related Risks for Systemically Important Banks Report
The World Wildlife Fund releases a report on the nature-related risks for systemically important banks
The World Wildlife Fund releases a report on the nature-related risks for systemically important banks
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) releases the Sustainable Finance Action Agenda
EFAMA releases a report on sustainable equity fund, aimed at summarizing the development trends of sustainable equity funds in Europe
The G20 Bioeconomy Initiative releases ten high-level principles for protecting global biodiversity
Morningstar releases 2024 Asset Owner ESG Survey report, aimed at understanding global asset owners on ESG investment
IFRS releases voluntary application guide of ISSB standards for companies
MSCI releases a global carbon credit project ratings report, aimed at analyzing the integrity of global carbon credit projects
Net Zero Tracker releases 2024 Net Zero Stocktake, aimed at analyzing global net zero goals and net zero emissions progress
GIC releases a report on climate adaptation and physical risk model, aiming to incorporate climate adaptation into physical risk model
Prudential, the largest life insurance company in the UK, releases the emerging market transition finance framework
RIAA releases the Nature Investor Toolkit, aimed at helping investors understand nature-related risks and opportunities.
European Investment Bank releases the 2023 Multilateral Development Bank Climate Finance report