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1. What of the following are the elements of Triple Bottom Line?
a) Social, environmental, and economic systems
b) Social, environmental, and governance systems
c) Social, environmental, and profit systems
2. Which of the following is true about soft law and hard law?
a) Soft laws are actual binding legal instruments and laws
b) Hard laws do not have binding force
c) Soft laws may sometimes become hard laws
3. Which of the following is market-based instruments in internalization?
a) Safety standards
b) Taxes and tradable permits
c) Voluntary instruments
4. Which of the following is false about UN SDG?
a) UN SDG replaces UN Millennial Goals
b) UN SDG has 17 goals
c) UN SDG is not related to Paris Agreement
5. Which of the following is true about Principal Adverse Impacts?
a) All PAIs are voluntary in SFDR
b) All PAIs are obligatory in SFDR
c) PAIs can be voluntary or obligatory
6. Which of the following is not the backbone for PRI?
a) Who Cares Wins
b) Freshfields Report
c) Our Common Future
7. Which of the following is the gatekeeper in investment chain?
a) Asset manager
b) Investment consultant
c) Asset owner
8. Which of the following is not the environmental objective under EU taxonomy?
a) Pollution prevention and control
b) Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems
c) Transition to a blue economy
9. Which of the following is related to hot car effect?
a) Water pollution
b) GHG emission
c) Biodiversity loss
10. Which of the following sector produces the largest GHG emissions?
a) Agriculture
b) Industry
c) Energy
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