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1. What of the following will not affect the engagement result?
a) Scale of ownership
b) Quality of engagement dialogue
c) Being a PRI member of not
2. Which of the following is related to the concept of externality?
a) Author Pigou
b) Martin Weitzman
c) Nicholas Stern
3. Which may ESG tilt result between investment portfolios and benchmarks?
a) It may decrease tracking error
b) It may increase tracking error
c) It will not affect tracking error
4. Which of the following introduces the concept of sustainable development?
a) Our Common Future
b) Rio Summit
c) World Commission on Environment and Development
5. Which of the following has the highest AUM in asset owners?
a) Endowments
b) Pension funds
c) Sovereign wealth funds
6. Which of the following holds Conference of the Parties?
7. Which of the following meeting is related about carbon offsetting?
a) COP15
b) COP21
c) COP26
8. When does EU plan to be climate-neutral?
a) 2025
b) 2035
c) 2050
9. Which of the following issues the world’s first green bond?
a) European Investment Bank
b) World Bank
c) International Monetary Fund
10. Which of the following is true about Class 2 transaction in UK?
a) The transaction affects more than 25% of any of a company’s assets, profits, value, or capital
b) There must be a shareholder vote to approve the deal
c) There must be additional disclosures
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