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1. What of the followings is true about Helsinki Principles?
a) It is signed by asset managers and asset owners
b) It is signed by finance ministers
c) It requires investors to focus on long term investment
2. What are Energy efficient buildings classified in Shades of Green?
a) Dark green
b) Medium green
c) Light green
3. Which of the following meeting introduces Glasgow Climate Pact?
a) COP15
b) COP26
c) COP28
4. Which of the following investors are mostly affected by transition risk?
a) Equity investors
b) Bond investors
c) Cash investors
5. Which of the following is not the benchmark of green bonds?
a) Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Green Bond Index
b) S&P Green Bond Select Index
c) ICE US High Yield ESG Tilt Index
6. Which of the following is not true about ESG exclusions?
a) Exclusions may lead to higher active share
b) Exclusions may increase degree of dispersion
c) Exclusions may lead to higher tracking error
7. Which of the following is true about carbon tax?
a) Carbon tax belongs to climate mitigation measures
b) Carbon tax belongs to climate adaption measures
c) Carbon tax belongs to both climate mitigation and climate adaption measures
8. Which of the following is true about big data analysis?
a) It can only be used in strategic analysis
b) It can only be used in operational analysis
c) It can be used in both strategic and operational analysis
9. Which is the following is true about retail sustainable investing assets from 2012 to 2018?
a) Retail sustainable investing assets remain stable
b) Retail sustainable investing assets declines
c) Retail sustainable investing assets increases
10. Which of the following is true about policy risk?
a) Policy risk is regarded as transition risk
b) Policy risk is regarded as physical risk
c) Policy risk is regarded as legal risk
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