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1. What of the followings is true about sustainable investment?
a) Selecting only the companies that overcome a defined ranking hurdle
b) Selection of assets that contribute in some way to a sustainable economy
c) Investment in themes or assets specifically related to ESG factors
2. Which of the followings are two common thematic investment?
a) Energy and water
b) Agriculture and land
c) Food and beverage
3. Which of the following is the collective engagement service of PRI?
a) PRI Academy
b) PRI Principles
c) Collaboration Platform
4. Which of the following is regarded as forms of engagement escalation?
a) Expressing concerns through the company’s advisers
b) Making a public statement in advance of general meetings
c) Meeting with the chair or other board members
5. Which of the following is the tools and elements of ESG analysis?
a) Red flag indicators and ESG momentum tilts
b) Watch lists and ESG factor tilts
c) Internal ESG research and external ESG research
6. Which of the following is the elements of ESG integration?
a) Strategic asset allocation and tactical asset allocation
b) ESG agenda items at investment committee and company questionnaires
c) Check with outside experts and ESG controversies
7. Which of the following is true about stranded asset risk?
a) Stranded asset risk is regarded as physical risk
b) Stranded asset risk is regarded as transition risk
c) Stranded asset risk is regarded as both physical risk and transition risk
8. Which of the following introduces Net Zero Investment Framework?
a) Paris Aligned Investment Initiative
b) Transition Pathway Initiative
c) Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance
9. Which is the following represents the mutualization of illiquid, ‘green’ assets into a security?
a) Green bond
b) Green securitization
c) Sustainability-linked loan
10. Which of the following can include non-sustainable stocks in SFDR?
a) Article 6 funds
b) Article 8 funds
c) Article 9 funds
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