CFA协会ESG考试题库第八章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 8 Integrated Portfolio Construction and Management 模拟试题31-40
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31. What is a potential advantage of integrating ESG in real assets such as real estate and infrastructure?
a) Higher returns compared to other asset classes
b) Greater liquidity and ease of trading
c) Enhanced risk management and resilience to climate risks
d) Better tax benefits and exemptions
32. In implementing screening as an investment approach, what is the first step according to the PRI?
a) Publicize clear screening criteria
b) Identify client priorities
c) Introduce oversight
d) Adapt investment process
33. Which platform includes a sustainability rating for funds based on ESG risk metrics?
a) Morningstar
b) Sustainalytics
c) OECD Guidelines
d) The PRI
34. How do SDG methodologies vary among data providers?
a) Some measure based on alignment to a firm’s products and operational aspect, while others align based on revenue exposure.
b) They are universally consistent, regardless of data provider.
c) SDG methodologies do not vary among data providers.
d) Some measure based on real estate investments, while others align based on infrastructure development.
35. What is the potential problem associated with a low administration fee for alternative asset managers?
a) It may attract alternative active fund managers.
b) It may attract managers in areas like real estate and infrastructure.
c) It may not attract any alternative asset managers.
d) It may attract passive fund managers.
36. How should a pension fund begin building out ESG capabilities into their process given fee limitations?
a) By investing in alternative asset classes and reducing manager fees.
b) By not implementing any ESG strategies.
c) By building a comprehensive understanding of manager ESG capabilities.
d) By focusing on developing ESG risk in real estate.
37. What area of ESG risk should a pension fund focus on developing?
a) Environmental risk
b) Social risk
c) Governance risk
d) All of the above
38. What are the challenges associated with ESG screening mentioned in the document?
a) The potential misalignment between sustainability ratings and actual ESG integration
b) The lack of data and disclosure in private markets
c) The reductive approach of screening
d) All of the above
39. What does ESG integration enhance in portfolio optimization?
a) Return profile only
b) Risk profile only
c) Both risk and return profile
d) Neither risk nor return profile
40. Which financial instruments can be used to express thematic investing?
a) Active quant strategies only
b) Passive vehicles such as ETFs only
c) Both active quant strategies and passive vehicles such as ETFs
d) Neither active quant strategies nor passive vehicles such as ETFs
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