CFA协会ESG考试题库第七章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 7 ESG Analysis, Valuation and Integration 模拟试题21-30
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21. What challenges do investors face due to low correlations between companies in ESG ratings?
a) Difficulty in identifying sustainability outperformers and laggards
b) Limited stock and bond price reflection of sustainability performance
c) Mixed signals on expected actions from rating providers
d) All of the above
22. How do ESG rating providers assess companies?
a) By conducting surveys and company communication
b) By analyzing news articles and third-party reports
c) By using historical company data and alternative data sources
d) All of the above
23. What is the main source of information for ESG assessments and ratings?
a) Forward-looking forecasts by sell-side and buy-side analysts
b) Company public disclosures and reports
c) Data gathered from media sources
d) Third-party analysis and reports
24. How do ESG rating providers quantify qualitative and quantitative data points?
a) Through scoring or ranking methodologies
b) By assigning points or grades based on performance
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
25. What challenges are faced when assessing credit risk in fixed income instruments?
a) Time horizon and lack of proxy vote
b) Different levels of management engagement
c) Unique qualities of sovereign credit
d) All of the above
26. How do geospatial data and natural language processes contribute to ESG investment analysis?
a) They help track deforestation, mining, and social sentiment
b) They provide real-time analysis of companies and countries
c) They support credit scoring and risk mapping
d) All of the above
27. What can low correlations between ESG rating providers pose a challenge for?
a) Investors’ investment strategies
b) Academic and empirical research
c) Companies’ ESG performance improvement
d) All of the above
28. What is the main purpose of credit scoring in ESG analysis?
a) To assess a company’s ability to meet debt obligations
b) To evaluate a company’s environmental impact
c) To determine a company’s social responsibility
d) To measure a company’s governance practices
29. What aspect of a company’s response to ESG risks do CRAs consider when evaluating credit risk?
a) Financial and balance sheet considerations only
b) Cash flow considerations only
c) Environmental, social, and governance considerations
d) None of the above
30. What is the main purpose of ESG ratings?
a) To determine stock and bond prices
b) To identify investment opportunities
c) To inform investors about a company’s sustainability performance
d) To influence company decision-making
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