CFA协会ESG考试题库第七章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 7 ESG Analysis, Valuation and Integration 模拟试题1-10
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1. In the research and idea generation stage, what does a materiality assessment aim to identify?
a) The ESG issues that are likely to have an impact on a company’s financial performance
b) The overall financial performance of a company
c) The shareholders’ opinions on ESG factors
d) The potential market value of a company’s securities
2. What is a “positive” or “best-in-class” screening?
a) A valuation screen incorporating ESG factors to create an attractive investment universe
b) A valuation screen excluding companies with low ratings
c) A valuation screen selecting companies based on their performances
d) A valuation screen focusing solely on financial performance indicators
3. What describes the technique of using scorecards to assess ESG factors?
a) It involves assigning quantitative scores to qualitative factors
b) It involves assigning qualitative scores to quantitative factors
c) It involves assigning quantitative scores to financial indicators
d) It involves assigning qualitative scores to social indicators
4. What is the purpose of benchmarking a company’s ESG performance?
a) Comparing its performance to industry averages or a peer group
b) Setting internal performance targets
c) Identifying potential investment opportunities
d) Evaluating the company’s compliance with regulatory standards
5. What are the aims of integrating ESG into investment processes?
a) Meeting regulatory obligations, reducing investment risk, and improving investment returns
b) Maximizing short-term profits, encouraging ethical practices, and minimizing engagement
c) Avoiding regulatory scrutiny, increasing market volatility, and ignoring environmental issues
d) Focusing on financial performance, disregarding ethical considerations and sustainability
6. How do companies and investment teams integrate ESG factors into their investment processes?
a) ESG techniques can run alongside financial analysis or have integrated aspects
b) ESG factors are usually incorporated into ethical investing strategies only
c) ESG factors are disregarded entirely in investment decision-making
d) ESG factors are analyzed separately from financial analysis
7. What is the significance of integrating ESG factors into investment decision-making?
a) It helps investors manage ESG risks and take advantage of ESG opportunities
b) It increases market volatility and undermines sustainable business practices
c) It encourages unethical behavior and disregards stakeholders’ interests
d) It reduces client demands and regulatory obligations
8. How can artificial intelligence and algorithms be used in ESG analysis?
a) To analyze unstructured ESG data using techniques like natural language processing
b) To exclude companies with low ESG ratings from investment portfolios
c) To predict future market trends based on ESG factors
d) To replace human analysts in the investment decision-making process
9. What are some examples of investment strategies that can be used to integrate ESG factors?
a) Passive, systematic, fundamental, active, or activist approaches
b) Short-term trading, market timing, and high-frequency trading
c) Speculation, sector rotation, and market-timing strategies
d) Fundamental, technical, and momentum-based approaches
10. How can a custom ESG self-assessment tool be used in ESG assessment?
a) To create an ESG scorecard based on the self-assessment response and guide further work
b) To replace the need for ESG data from external sources
c) To conduct surveys among a company’s employees and stakeholders
d) To provide a comprehensive analysis of a company’s financial performance
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