CFA协会ESG考试题库第四章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 4 Social Factors 模拟试题11-20
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11. What areas do the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises address?
a) Environmental protection only
b) Human rights and labor standards only
c) Multiple areas including employment, environment, and taxation
d) Business competition and consumer interests
12. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises?
a) Human rights
b) Science and technology
c) Information disclosure
d) Financial performance
13. What is the aim of the eight fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)?
a) To promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work with freedom, equity, security, and dignity
b) To promote opportunities for women and men to obtain cheap labor
c) To promote opportunities for women and men to obtain work with long hours
d) To promote opportunities for women and men to obtain work with low wages
14. What is the impact of controversies like labor violations on companies?
a) They can impact customer loyalty
b) They can result in fines
c) They can result in employee/supplier strikes
d) All of the above
15. What is the double materiality perspective?
a) The effects or impact on the employees within the supply chain should be considered
b) The effects or impact on the customers within the supply chain should be considered
c) The effects or impact on the environment within the supply chain should be considered
d) The effects or impact on the shareholders within the supply chain should be considered
16. What is the definition of “discrimination” in the context of the eight fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)?
a) Treating people differently based on their race, gender, or other characteristics
b) Treating people equally based on their race, gender, or other characteristics
c) Treating people differently based on their job performance
d) Treating people equally based on their job performance
17. What is the definition of “collective bargaining” in the context of the eight fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)?
a) The right of workers to form and join trade unions
b) The right of workers to negotiate with their employers as a group
c) The right of workers to negotiate with their employers individually
d) The right of employers to negotiate with their employees as a group
18. What did Apple do in 2007 to ensure acceptable working conditions in its suppliers’ factories?
a) Started yearly audits of all its suppliers regarding workers’ rights
b) Increased the number of workers in its suppliers’ factories
c) Decreased the wages of workers in its suppliers’ factories
d) Decreased the number of working hours for workers in its suppliers’ factories
19. What is the name of the organization that developed the eight fundamental conventions?
a) United Nations
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) International Labor Organization
20. What should investors evaluate when assessing companies heavily reliant on employees?
a) Human capital management strategies
b) Financial growth projections
c) Environmental sustainability practices
d) Marketing and advertising campaigns
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