CFA协会ESG考试题库第四章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 4 Social Factors 模拟试题1-10
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1. According to the document, which of the following is NOT considered a social and environmental megatrend?
a) Climate change
b) Digital disruption
c) Transition risk
d) Aging population
2. According to the document, what is the next frontier in terms of electronic devices?
a) Mobile phones
b) Smartphones and tablets
c) Access to the internet
d) The Internet of Things (IoT)
3. How does digital disruption impact investors?
a) It only represents risks for investors
b) It only represents opportunities for investors
c) It can represent both risks and opportunities for investors
d) It has no impact on investors
4. What changes in work patterns are enabled by new technologies?
a) More rigid working hours
b) Less flexibility in work-life balance
c) Remote working opportunities
d) Increased stress-related illnesses
5. What impact can climate change have on mass migration?
a) It can promote mass migration from developed to developing countries
b) It can lead to environmental migrants and an increase in migration
c) It has no direct impact on mass migration patterns
d) It can decrease migration due to the scarcity of resources
6. What are some potential consequences of pollution and land degradation?
a) Stakeholder opposition and social unrest
b) Increased opportunities for companies
c) Improved access to resources
d) Positive impact on natural resources and ecosystem services
7. According to the document, what is the United Nations’ framework for addressing risk of adverse impacts on human rights linked to business activity?
a) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
b) Universal Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
c) United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
d) Universal Human Rights Guidelines for Business Enterprises
8. What do the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises address?
a) Responsible business conduct
b) Government-backed recommendations for sustainable development
c) Human rights violations
d) Protecting investor rights
9. According to the document, what can human rights violations be typically found within supply chains?
a) At the point of sale
b) In emerging countries where products are produced
c) At the headquarters of major companies
d) In developed countries where products are sold
10. What is the importance of the UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines for MNEs for companies and investors?
a) They provide a legal framework for business operations
b) They outline mandatory standards for responsible business conduct
c) They provide voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct
d) They regulate international trade and investment
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