CFA协会ESG考试题库第三章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 3 Environmental Factors 模拟试题1-10
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1. What are some growing environmental concerns mentioned in the book?
a) Pollution and waste management
b) Deforestation and biodiversity loss
c) Water scarcity and climate change-induced drought
d) All of the above
2. What is the main driver of climate change?
a) Rising emissions of greenhouse gases
b) Natural climate variability
c) Deforestation and land use changes
d) Volcanic activity
3. What does “circular economy” refer to?
a) An economy based on recycling and reusing materials
b) A linear economy focused on short-term profits
c) A system that promotes waste and pollution
d) A system of resource extraction without consideration for the environment
4. What are planetary boundaries according to the Stockholm Resilience Centre?
a) The limits within which human activity can safely operate
b) The boundaries between different ecosystems
c) The geographical boundaries of countries
d) The boundaries of the Earth’s atmosphere
5. What is the result of ongoing investments in environmentally damaging activities?
a) They always lead to financial losses
b) They carry unrewarded risks
c) They are necessary for economic growth
d) They have no impact on financial interests
6. What are some examples of mitigation options mentioned in the document?
a) Transitioning to renewable energy sources
b) Improving energy efficiency
c) Reducing deforestation and land-use changes
d) All of the above
7. How does the pandemic relate to deindustrialization and emissions reduction?
a) Deindustrialization led to a drop in emissions
b) The pandemic had no impact on emissions
c) Deindustrialization resulted in increased emissions
d) The pandemic led to reduced consumption and emissions
8. What are some negative societal impacts associated with deindustrialization?
a) Recessions and unemployment
b) Environmental disasters
c) Increased consumption and pollution
d) None of the above
9. What does the concept of “natural capital” aim to recognize?
a) The value of ecosystems for policy making
b) Financial value of natural resources
c) The importance of cultural heritage
d) The need for increased industrialization
10. What is the estimated cost of investments needed up to 2050 to limit warming to 1.5°C?
a) Uncertain, as it depends on policy baseline scenarios
b) No investment is needed as climate mitigation is unnecessary
c) Approximately US$1 trillion yearly
d) The cost cannot be estimated at this time
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