CFA协会ESG考试题库第二章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 2 The ESG Market 模拟试题41-50
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41. What is the largest asset owner category among the 100 largest asset owners?
a) Hedge funds
b) Sovereign wealth funds
c) Pension funds
d) Private equity firms
42. What is negative, or exclusionary, screening in ESG investing?
a) The integration of ESG factors into the investment process
b) The exclusion of companies or industries based on ESG criteria
c) The prioritization of companies with outstanding ESG practices
d) None of the above
43. How do the challenges to further growth and enhanced quality of ESG investing be overcome?
a) By developing better data sourcing and processing among stakeholders
b) By increasing public awareness
c) By addressing hesitancy on the part of consultants and retail financial advisers
d) All of the above
44. What is the reason some asset owners are unsure of how to integrate ESG considerations?
a) Lack of proper consultants and retail financial advisers
b) Limited resources to conduct their own ESG assessment of managers and their funds
c) Lack of scale or capacity to influence the products offered by fund managers
d) All of the above
45. What is the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance?
a) An NGO that provides information that stimulates the growth of ESG investing
b) A UN body that helps countries build and strengthen their sustainable investment framework
c) A trade association that represents all of the world’s largest asset managers
d) None of the above
46. What factors contribute to an economic activity being considered environmentally sustainable according to the EU Taxonomy Regulation?
a) Contributing substantially to at least one of the six environmental objectives listed, doing no significant harm to any of the other environmental objectives, and complying with minimum, EU-specified, social and governance safeguards
b) Contributing minimally to at least one of the six environmental objectives listed, doing significant harm to any of the other environmental objectives, and complying with minimum, non-EU-specified, social and governance safeguards
c) Contributing substantially to at least two of the six environmental objectives listed, doing no significant harm to any of the other environmental objectives, and complying with maximum, EU-specified, social and governance safeguards
d) None of the above
47. What does the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance provide data on?
a) The size and scope of the ESG investing market in relation to geography, strategy, investor type, and asset class
b) The size and scope of the traditional investing market in relation to geography, strategy, investor type, and asset class
c) The size and scope of the high-risk investing market in relation to geography, strategy, investor type, and asset class
d) None of the above
48. What are the three main types of asset owners?
a) Pension funds, insurance companies, and banks
b) Government institutions, sovereign wealth funds, and non-for-profit organizations
c) Pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, and insurance companies
d) Endowments, foundations, and family offices
49. What did the Asset Management Accord published by Brunel Pension Partnership set out?
a) Expectations for long-term manager relationships
b) Guidelines for shareholder activism
c) A way to create short-term profits
d) None of the above
50. Which type of institutional investor can add significant impetus to ESG integration through their policy aligned investments?
a) Hedge funds
b) Mutual funds
c) Sovereign wealth funds
d) Pension funds
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