CFA协会ESG考试题库第二章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 2 The ESG Market 模拟试题21-30
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21. Which EU regulation established a framework that states conditions for an economic activity to be considered environmentally sustainable?
a) EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
b) EU Taxonomy Regulation
c) EU Social Impact Assessment Regulation
d) EU Corporate Governance Disclosure Regulation
22. What are the six environmental objectives established by the EU Taxonomy Regulation?
a) Climate change mitigation, pollution prevention, sustainable use of land and resources, green infrastructure, socially responsible investment, human capital development
b) Climate change adaptation, environmental protection, sustainable energy, sustainable transportation, sustainable and healthy living, social inclusion
c) Climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention and control, protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems
d) Climate change mitigation, green finance development, sustainable tourism, sustainable consumption and production, sustainable urbanization, environmental awareness
23. Which report emphasized the need for a culture of long-term decision making, trust, and stewardship to protect savers’ interests?
a) Law Commission Report
b) Kay Review
c) Stern Report
d) Paris Agreement
24. What was the outcome of an older survey by PRI of its asset owners’ signatories about explicit expectations they have included within clauses of investment mandates?
a) The majority had made some form of expectations explicit
b) The majority had not made any expectations explicit
c) The survey did not yield any meaningful outcome
d) The survey was primarily focused on retail investors
25. Which investment strategy involves excluding certain companies from the investment portfolio?
a) ESG integration
b) Positive screening
c) Negative screening
d) Company engagement
26. Which regulation created requirements to promote consideration of environmental and social risks that may affect investments?
a) EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
b) EU Taxonomy Regulation
c) EU Social Impact Assessment Regulation
d) EU Corporate Governance Disclosure Regulation
27. Which of the following is not a driver for the growth in assets managed under an ESG approach?
a) Investor demand
b) Government policy and regulation
c) Market monopoly
d) Publicly awareness
28. How do pension funds influence the investment market?
a) They have a strong commitment to financial research
b) They play a key role in positively screening investment
c) They have a strong commitment to non-financial research and play a key role in influencing the investment market
d) They generally invest in companies that are detrimental to society
29. What is sovereign wealth?
a) Wealth held by an ordinary individual
b) Wealth owned by a corporation
c) Wealth managed through a state-owned investment fund, a sovereign wealth fund
d) Wealth owned by a government
30. What does SFDR identify to enhance transparency of sustainably invested products?
a) Company governance metrics
b) Principal adverse impacts that have a negative impact on the environmental and social issues stemming from investment decisions
c) Positive screening criteria
d) Negative screening criteria
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