CFA协会ESG考试题库第二章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 2 The ESG Market 模拟试题11-20
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11. What is the relationship between pension fund members and investment decisions?
a) Pension fund members can influence pension fund decisions because they are the ultimate beneficiaries
b) Pension fund members have no influence on pension fund decisions
c) Only pension fund investment professionals can influence pension fund decisions
d) Members can only influence pension fund decisions based on their financial outcomes
12. What are the outcomes of academic research on ESG investing?
a) Decreased interest in ESG investing
b) Increased focus on various aspects of ESG factors and investment decision making
c) No impact on investment decision making
d) None of the above
13. What do some investors still question about ESG investing?
a) Whether government policy is enough to promote ESG investing
b) Whether it is ethical to invest in green companies
c) Whether considering ESG issues can add value to investment decision making
d) None of the above
14. What is the purpose of voluntary and mandatory guidance around stewardship?
a) To increase asset owners’ requirements around engagement
b) To discourage engagement with companies’ ESG risk
c) To promote investment in non-sustainable products
d) To increase transparency of non-sustainable investment products
15. What is the purpose of the EU-specified social and governance safeguards mentioned in the EU Taxonomy Regulation?
a) To ensure compliance for an economic activity to be considered environmentally sustainable
b) To limit government regulation around ESG investing
c) To promote investment in non-sustainable products
d) None of the above
16. What is the largest type of ESG investment strategy globally?
a) ESG integration
b) Negative, or exclusionary, screening and other strategies
c) Smart beta funds
d) Derivatives investing
17. What is a hesitancy that asset owners occasionally face in integrating ESG considerations?
a) Hesitancy on the part of consultants and retail financial advisers to integrate ESG investing into their offerings or to assess the ESG characteristics of funds
b) Hesitancy of government regulators to promote ESG investing
c) Hesitancy of companies to disclose their ESG risk
d) None of the above
18. What is one way to overcome challenges to further growth and enhanced quality of ESG investing?
a) Decreased government regulation and policy around ESG investing
b) Investor-led initiatives that engage with actors who have not been supportive of products that integrate ESG factors
c) Discouragement of ESG investing among retail investors
d) None of the above
19. What are the intrinsic and extrinsic drivers for the growth of assets managed under an ESG approach?
a) Demand from institutional asset owners and individual retail investors only
b) Growing demand from retail investors and government regulation only
c) Growing demand from institutional asset owners, government policy and regulation, and civil society information
d) Growing demand from institutional investors, philanthropic motives, and technological advances
20. Which investment strategy is the second largest globally according to data from the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance?
a) Negative screening
b) ESG integration
c) Positive screening
d) Company engagement
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