CFA协会ESG考试题库第一章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 1 Introduction to ESG Investing 模拟试题21-30
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21.What is financially material to a company not only can but most likely does change can be defined as?
A. Financial materiality
B. Dynamic materiality
C. Double materiality
22.Which of the following is the challenges prior to implement ESG investing?
A. Perception that implementing ESG investing may have negative impacts.
B. Interpretation that fiduciary duty promotes integrating ESG factors.
C. Lack of understanding of how to effectively promotes ESG investing.
23.Which of the following is the challenges to integrate ESG factors in traditional financial models?
A. ESG factors always have a short-term financial impact.
B. Most financial models extrapolate from historical data.
C. Models are relevant for forecasting future ESG-related outcomes.
24.Misleading claims about environmental practices but has been used more widely to incorporate ESG factors can be described as?
A. Green bleaching
B. Greenwashing
C. Diversity washing
25.Which of the following is not true about ESG performances and corporate financial performance?
A. Meta-studies shows that they have a positive correlation.
B. It provides academic evidence for financial materiality of ESG factors.
C. It can also hold for fund performance.
26.Which of the following is the definition of ESG investing?
A. Incorporating ESG factors in investment decisions and active stewardship.
B. Incorporating ESG factors in investment decisions and active ownership.
C. Incorporating ESG factors in investment decisions and active engagement.
27.Which of the following is not the ways in reflecting ESG considerations for investors?
A. Incorporating ESG factors into investment decision-making.
B. Acknowledging financial materiality of ESG investing.
C. Corporate engagement.
28.Allocate capital across asset classes, sectors, and regions based on needs for return and income and risk appetite can be defined as?
A. Static asset allocation
B. Systematic asset allocation
C. Strategic asset allocation
29.Which of the following is not true about shareholder engagement?
A. Investors must take a hands-on role by themselves in engagement.
B. Investors can discuss ESG issues with the board or management.
C. Investors can express their views through voting on resolutions.
30.Which of the following is not true for investors in policy engagement?
A. Participate in collective initiatives.
B. Make recommendations to policymakers.
C. Attend annual general meeting of investee companies.
Knowledges: 相关知识点解读
Question 22 ESG投资:ESG投资的早期发展与长期价值
Question 24 漂绿:深入解读ESG发展的漂绿问题
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