CFA协会ESG考试题库第一章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 1 Introduction to ESG Investing 模拟试题1-10
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1.Which of the following is not the consequence of short-termism investment?
A. Promote bubbles
B. Create financial stability
C. Cause economic underperformance
2.Which of the following is not an example of governance issues in ESG?
A. Board diversity and structure
B. Working conditions
C. Tax strategy
3.Which of the following is not true about responsible investment?
A. ESG investing is part of a group of approaches in responsible investment.
B. Responsible investment can reflect shareholder values in an investment strategy.
C. There is no standard set of criteria for identifying responsible investment.
4.Which of the following is not related to portfolio construction in responsible investment?
A. Best-in-class investment
B. Ethical and faith-based investment
C. Shareholder engagement
5.Which of the following is more focused on financial market rate?
A. Sustainable and responsible investing
B. Venture philanthropy
C. Social impact investing
6.Which of the following is not true about socially responsible investment?
A. It applies social criteria in evaluating companies.
B. A hurdle can be established on the full universe or sector by sector in SRI.
C. SRI ranking can be used in combination with best-in-class investment.
7.Which of the following is not true about best-in-class fund?
A. It can be used to maintain certain characteristics of an index.
B. It is considered as responsible investment.
C. It always selects the companies that overcome a defined ranking hurdle.
8.Which of the following is not true about sustainable investment?
A. It can be used to mean a strategy that screens out negative activities.
B. It considers how ESG issues impact a security’s risk and return profile.
C. It can be used to describe companies with positive impact.
9.Which of the following is not true about social investment?
A. It is not a subcategory of thematic investment.
B. It can also include social impact bonds.
C. It refers to allocating capital to assets that address social challenges.
10.Which of the following is not true about impact investing?
A. Impact investing is usually associated with direct investments.
B. Impact investing requires investors to accept below-market-rate returns.
C. Measurement and tracking impact lies at the heart of impact investing.
Knowledges: 相关知识点解读
Question 3 责任投资:联合国责任投资原则组织UNPRI介绍
Question 8 可持续投资:美国责任投资论坛发布可持续投资趋势报告
Question 10 影响力投资:什么是影响力投资?它与ESG投资有何区别?
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