CFA协会ESG考试题库第一章 ESG题库习题集
Chapter 1 Introduction to ESG Investing 模拟试题11-20
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11.Which of the following is not true about ethical and faith-based investment?
A. It uses positive screening to avoid investing in some companies.
B. It has a history of improving the conduct of investee companies.
C. It may avoid assets at odds with their beliefs.
12.Which of the following is not included in triple bottom line?
A. Profit
B. Project
C. People
13.Which of the following is not true about corporate sustainability?
A. It focuses on ethical, social, environmental, cultural and economic dimensions.
B. It relates to conducting business in an ethical way.
C. It aims at creating long-term shareholder value.
14.Which of the following gives opinions on fiduciary duty in ESG?
A. Who Cares Wins report by UN Global Compact
B. Freshfields report by UNEP FI and Freshfields
C. Global Risks report by World Economic Forum
15.Which of the following is more concerned on weakened economies?
A. Financial intermediaries
B. Asset managers
C. Asset owners
16.Which of the following is true about soft laws?
A. Soft laws are actual binding legal instruments and laws.
B. Soft laws are quasi-legal instruments that do not have legally binding force.
C. Soft laws and hard laws are separated.
17.Which of the following is not true about ESG integration?
A. It can reduce cost and increase efficiency.
B. It can reduce risk and return.
C. It can reduce negative externalities.
18.Which of the following is not true about externalities?
A. It is introduced by Arthur Pigou in The Economics of Welfare.
B. It can be either negative or positive.
C. Negative externality means private costs higher than social costs, which leads to market failures.
19.Which of the following is not market-based instruments of internalization?
A. Tradeable permits
B. Safety standards
C. Charges and taxes
20.Which of the following is not interacting with social challenges and environmental issues?
A. Aging populations
B. Rapid technological changes
C. Rise of commodity prices
Knowledges: 相关知识点解读
Question 14 在乎者即赢家:ESG起源:全球契约组织“在乎者即赢家”
Question 14 全球风险报告:世界经济论坛将气候变化视为全球风险
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